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Degeneracy Graphs and Simplex Cycling (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems)

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Degeneracy Graphs and Simplex Cycling (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems), Alexander Sigmund Kurzhanski, 9783540545934

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Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG


Many problems in economics can be formulated as linearly constrained mathematical optimization problems, where the feasible solution set X represents a convex polyhedral set. In practice, the set X frequently contains degenerate verti- ces, yielding diverse problems in the determination of an optimal solution as well as in postoptimal analysis.The so- called degeneracy graphs represent a useful tool for des- cribing and solving degeneracy problems. The study of dege- neracy graphs opens a new field of research with many theo- retical aspects and practical applications. The present pu- blication pursues two aims. On the one hand the theory of degeneracy graphs is developed generally, which will serve as a basis for further applications. On the other hand dege- neracy graphs will be used to explain simplex cycling, i.e. necessary and sufficient conditions for cycling will be de- rived.